I'm working to ensure residents across Burnley & Padiham have access to world-class healthcare by securing a new radiology centre at Burnley Hospital, and ensuring everyone can access a GP appointment when they need one.

I'm working to support our NHS so residents have better local services when they need them.

  • My mission has always been a whole scale levelling up of healthcare provision in Burnley and Padiham. And in the time I’ve been your Member of Parliament I’ve worked with East Lancashire NHS Trust to secure two new endoscopy rooms, state-of-the-art breast cancer screening equipment, the introduction of surgical robots, and a strategy to improve emergency care.
  • We need to guarantee a long-term future for Burnley hospital through skills, increased diagnostics & investment. And that's exactly where my focus is.
  • Burnley has one of Lancashire's best maternity units. And I'm working with the Trust to build on this and make Burnley an even better place to raise a family.



Taking Steps to Increase the Number of Doctors: TRAINING and RETAINING

For several months I’ve been raising with Government the need to train more doctors at the Burnley UCLan complex. And I do this for one simple reason - because like many residents I want to see an increase in doctors’ appointments and the backlog come down.  

A Plan for Urgent and Emergency Care

This week the Government announced its Urgent and Emergency Care Plan, a comprehensive strategy aimed at transforming the country's health care system.  

Digital Healthcare Transformation

Earlier this week I met with the head of our local NHS Trust to discuss current levels of performance and how we need to continue to invest in Burnley Hospital to ensure it remains at the heart of our local healthcare.