People living in Burnley and Padiham can now get up to £5,000 of energy efficient home improvements funded by the Government as part of a new scheme.
The Green Homes Grant will not only enable households to improve their energy efficiency and cut down on bills but help protect the environment and jobs, livelihoods and the local economy by creating more work for the local tradespeople.
The new scheme, which opened for business today, a range of energy saving measures at home including insulation for floors and roofs, double or triple glazing and draught-proofing.
Under the terms of the Green Homes Grant, the Government will offer vouchers to cover up to two thirds of energy efficient home improvements – worth up to £5,000,
The improvements mean families could be saving £600 a year on bills.
Antony Higginbothm MP for Burnley said he would encourage households to apply for the vouchers for the many benefits they will bring.
At a time like this we need to be protecting jobs, saving local people money and not losing sight of our commitment to protect the environment. This is another innovative scheme from Rishi Sunak does all three.
By insulating homes we’ll be providing much needed work for our local tradespeople whilst cutting the energy bills for people across Burnley and Padiham. I hope everyone across the borough looks into the scheme to see if they’re eligible and the improvements they can make to the home.
The Green Homes Grant also offers vouchers up to £10,000 for low income families and is available to some landlords as well as homeowners.
For full details on the Green Homes Grant, who is eligible and how to apply, go to