On this page you can see all the job vacancies currently available in Antony's office!
Antony's team is relatively small, and split across Burnley and Westminster. It's a team of committed people who all want to help Antony in serving the constituents of Burnley, Padiham and the various villages spread across the area. Working in the team can be fast paced, but a lot of fun!
Upon offer of appointment for any role in Antony's office you will be required to comply with the Baseline Personnel Security Standard, undertaken by the Members’ Staff Verification Office (MSVO). More information is available here.
To apply for a job, please email a cover letter and CV to antony.higginbotham.mp@parliament.uk with "Job Application" and the role you are applying for in the subject line.
Constituency Assistant / Admin Support
Antony Higginbotham MP is looking to recruit a Constituency Assistant to work with his team in Burnley.
The role will involve working with all other members of staff, giving broad exposure to all areas including communications, casework and parliamentary activity. It will involve working closely with Antony to deliver on his priorities for Burnley & Padiham; responding to constituents; and helping run a variety of activities and events that Antony puts on to meet and engage with residents.
Full details are contained in the attachment below.